10 March 2008

Zombie attack plans revisited

After blogging about preparation for a zombie attack i've unleashed further discussion on the matter.....

Rob and I had friends over on Saturday for some dinner and then what turned into watching Family Guy: Blue Harvest (Great by the way!!!) while looking at maps discussing potential rendezvous and hideout points in the event of a zombie attack.

Paul had even brought a book: Max Brook's Zombie Survival guide and maps of the Sperrins and the Mournes to think through where we would hide out and then move onto after hiding out for a while. We discussed what kind of vehicle we'd need to get, what supplies we'd need and much more. it was all rather surreal! But I'm reassured to have a man who's looking out for me!

(Excuse the washing in the background!!!)


Anonymous said...


I can heartily recommend this book.

That Girl said...

inspired by you:

Ruth Strong said...

Thanks Mark! I'm sure this will keep Rob occupied for a little while lol.

Kate that's just too funny! Loving it!