02 November 2007

NaBloPoMo 2

What have I learnt today?

Well I had a doctor's appointment this morning because I've had a cough for almost 3 weeks now that hasn't been getting any better and although it only comes now and again, it chokes me and I end up having to really think about slowing down my breathing and controling it to stop the coughing because I feel it down in my chest and nowhere near my throat.

Well today the doctor decided it was a viral infection and that it would take a wee while to go away. To help me with the breathing side of things when it does come he gave me an inhaler! I've never used an inhaler or really know how to use one - I had a fair idea from seeing people use them before, but today I learnt how to use an inhaler!

As well as that I've learnt from a comment on someone's blog (then checked out through various other internet sources) that potatoes actually originated in Peru and only made it to Europe in the late 1400s/early 1500s!

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